Thursday rounds:

Invites are sent by email or register in Golf Genius app: Home, Round sign up or 2025 Calendar, Status.

Your tee box is noted under your profile in Golf Genius, please review.

Arrive 30 minutes prior to tee time to allow warm-up and keep Pace of Play in mind by watching the time and keeping up with players in front. Always assist by keeping chatter at a minimum and watching each other's balls.

If the round is canceled for weather (temp 49 or rain) open tee times will apply if you still want to play. Show up to play and check in with the Pro Shop. 

Link: Tips for an efficient golf round

Golf Genius Tips:

HOME: Thursday rosters will give the tee sheet if you don't see an email confirmation. CALENDAR gives game information and allows registration and cancellations under STATUS. NEWSLETTER is updated weekly.

NEED TO KNOW: review for games and golf etiquette

RULES: please review

PLAYER INFORMATION: review your personal profile and tee box assignment, edits allowed then select SAVE. Other member contacts may be reached under MEMBERSHIP CONTACT INFO.