1.  2025 General Meetings will be held after the golf round on the following days: Feb 20, April 17, May 15, Sept 4, Oct 9, and November 13

    1. Sign-up for all events and play is through an email sent by Golf Genius or on the Golf Genius phone App. Deadline to register for golf play is Tuesday 10 pm. If you have missed this deadline, contact the tournament chair before Wednesday at 6pm. 

    1. Weather Cancellations: Official play day is canceled if it is raining OR the temperature is below 49 at the start of the round.  The tee times will become OPEN tee times for those that want to show up and play.

    1. The deadline to register/unregister for luncheons is one week before the luncheon.  This will be stipulated in the invitation in Golf Genius.  You may still be charged for lunch if you miss this deadline.

    1. All players shall play from their recorded Tee Box in Golf Genius.  If you deviate from this you  MUST mark it and bring it to the attention of the Tournament chair when submitting the scorecard

    1. On LG/LN Tee Time play you are allowed a mulligan on Hole 1. You may choose which ball to play.  There are no mulligans on Shotgun Starts.

    1. Pace of Play.  Play ready golf. Watch where your ball and where other balls land. If you think your ball is lost, hit a provisional ball. Look for your ball no more than three minutes. Always be ready to hit your next shot as soon as possible. Take only one practice swing when addressing ball (others may be taken priorly at cart). Keep the group ahead in two-stroke sight at all times – no empty spaces.

    1. Our maximum score for 9 Hole play is double par. 

    1. For those with an established handicap, at the monthly meeting, a golf ball is given for the winner in each flight for low gross, low net and low putts. You must be present to win, and you can only win one of the categories for each play day.

    1. The Tournament Chair will set up three or four flights in accordance with the number of players and their handicaps/tee box selections.  

    1. To qualify for our end-of-year golf prizes distributed at our December luncheon, a player must participate in at least 10 LN/LG days  during the year and have an established handicap.  The last day considered for 2025 prizes is day 1 of the Eclectic tournament.

    2. EOY Prizes will be awarded in each flight for Averages on Low Gross, Low Net and Low Putts. Most Pars of the year, Fewest Putts of the year, and the Most Improved Player of the Year. Tournament Chairs may decide other awards. The Mary Daniel Service Award is presented to a 9-Hole member(not a board member) who has shown a positive and selfless attitude by stepping up to assist, mentor, and help without being asked.  Nominations for this award will be accepted from September through October and then voted on by the Elected Officers.  The award will be presented at the end of year luncheon in December.  You can see the tournament chairs for a nomination form.